Wednesday, March 28, 2012

If your child is keen to challenge themselves at home in maths, try:

It asks for you to set up an account but you don't need to; just choose the maths your child is working on. They can compete in real time against other children around the world!

Moustache Maths...?

This week in maths Ruma Tuarua has been looking fab! We have been working on being data detectives. We know that data is another word for "information". We made our own data by dressing up in crazy outfits and taking photos of everyone. When they were printed and laminated they became our data.

We tried lots of different ways of sorting them into groups. Some examples are:
  • boys and girls
  • people wearing party hats or no party hats
  • people with party hats and sunglasses
  • sorting by the colour of the party hat
  • people wearing one item, two items or three items
When we sorted the data into different groups we used our detective skills to find clues in the data. We used words like more, fewer, most, least, popular, unpopular. Next week we're going to put our detective skills to the test...stay tuned!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Buddy frog stories

On Thursday at Buddy Time Ruma Tuarua and their LT4 buddies wrote about our new frogs. (Have you noticed a trend on the blog lately?) Here are some of the stories our buddies wrote with us...

At the moment there are two frogs in room 2. They are really good swimmers but the cage smells really bad. Their names are Aogan and Alex.
By Aogan and Alex

Hi my name is Chloe, I’m in room 2 at Freeville School and today I am going to talk to you about the new Frogs that we have in our class.
These frogs of ours are called Tadpoles which means they are baby Frogs. The tadpoles are bright green with grey stripes and they are very tiny.
I like that the frogs are cute, the colour of them (bright green) and I also like their eyes and their grey stripes.  
By Chloe and Ashlee

The two frogs
The slimy little things in room 2 are just babies and they really like to hop around the tank all day long until they don’t want to any more. Ryan told me that they started in a egg then turned into a tadpole then into a slimy thing that just makes noises and stares at us all day its so freaky. The end. 
By Ryan M and Phoebe

Our two frogs
We have two frogs. They are light green and very slimy. They are very little. They like to eat flies. They can jump really high and they can climb up the walls of the tank .They can also swim. In their tank, there are logs, plants and some cold water.
By Mackenzie and Katlin

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I was a bit excited yesterday when I got to pick up our new frogs from Room 12 at Avonhead School. The children there named our frogs Trevor and Hoopy Doopy Doo, but they have said we can rename them if we want. One is a boy and one is a girl. We know so far that they like to eat live bugs like flies and moths. They might both be Golden Bell's Frogs although one might be a Whistling Tree Frog (thanks to Solan's Mummy who has frogs at home and knows lots about them). They need something to climb in their tank like a rock or a log. 

We talked today about cleaning the water in the tank but I have been so worried that they would jump out of the tank! After school Nicole and I took out some of the water and now we can see the tops of the rocks. 

Tomorrow we'll take more photos! 

(Kate (Mrs Morgan) took this photo of me after we put the tank and frogs in my car...I was very careful not to go over any bumps!) 

Some things we wanted to know today:
  • What is a frog called in Maori?
  • What sort of food do they eat?
  • How often do we feed them?
  • How do they stick to the side of the tank?
Welcome to the newest members of Ruma Tuarua: Larkin, Saskia and Aogan. We are so excited to have you with us!